This exclusive group gives you direct access to David Deutsch, an A-list copywriter. You can ask him questions, get his advice, brainstorm ideas and submit copy for him to critique and review during live sessions he conducts for all members.
Over 10,000 smart (and getting smarter) people eagerly anticipate their FREE Marketing Rebel Report every week.
Over 10,000 smart (and getting smarter)
people eagerly anticipate their
FREE Marketing Rebel Report every week.
If you are a small business owner, looking to increase sales...
...using real-world, proven, and affordable direct response strategies and techniques...'ve come to the right place.
Since 2002, Marketing Rebel has been helping small business owners make more sales and more money.
We focus on conversions.
About Marketing Rebel
My name is Stan Dahl. I spent decades traveling the world as a highly-paid consultant for Fortune 500 companies and governments. I specialized in helping organizations see and use data as a valuable resource. Sounds obvious now, but in the 1990s and early 2000s, this was pretty crazy out-of-the-box thinking.
About a dozen years ago, my long-time friend John Carlton, the founder of Marketing Rebel, asked me to join forces with him.
We grew the company from... well... from John Carlton, to a Team of Marketing Rebels who create and deliver direct response marketing training, coaching, and services.
Our focus is on improving your income and profits by using a mix of leading-edge and classic direct response marketing strategies and techniques.
About Marketing Rebel
My name is Stan Dahl. I spent decades traveling the world as a highly-paid consultant for Fortune 500 companies and governments. I specialized in helping organizations see and use data as a valuable resource. Sounds obvious now, but in the 1990s and early 2000s, this was pretty crazy out-of-the-box thinking.
About a dozen years ago, my long-time friend John Carlton, the founder of Marketing Rebel, asked me to join forces with him.
We grew the company from... well... from John Carlton, to a Team of Marketing Rebels who create and deliver direct response marketing training, coaching, and services.
Our focus is on improving your income and profits by using a mix of leading-edge and classic direct response marketing strategies and techniques.
About Marketing Rebel
My name is Stan Dahl. I spent decades traveling the world as a highly-paid consultant for Fortune 500 companies and governments. I specialized in helping organizations see and use data as a valuable resource. Sounds kind-of obvious now, but in the 1990s and early 2000s, this was pretty crazy, out-of-the box thinking.
About a dozen years ago, my long-time friend John Carlton, the founder of Marketing Rebel, asked me to join forces with him.
We grew the company from... well... from John Carlton, to a Team of Marketing Rebels who provide coaching, training, and services, all focused on improving income and profits using a combination of leading-edge and classic direct response marketing strategies and techniques.
Our focus is on improving your income and profits by using a mix of leading-edge and classic direct response marketing strategies and techniques.
Do you want to find someone to do it for you…
or do you want to learn how to do it yourself?
Do you want to find
someone to do it for you…
or do you want to learn how to do it yourself?
We Offer Both.
Back in the day, I succeeded with the one-man-band, do-it-yourself model. And I’ve both worked with a large staff, within corporations and growing mid-sized entrepreneurial adventures.
I understand outsourcing, working with joint venture partners, and assembling affiliate armies. I’m an insider with the biggest online marketers now operating, and I’m privy to nearly every new or cutting-edge strategy, tool, or model that enters the business world.
I’m a solid business owner, steeped in the ways of making entrepreneurial projects surge past sticking points and actually succeed.
Here at Marketing Rebel, we were one of the first to use social media for marketing, and we continue to be early adopters of marketing breakthroughs like launches, membership sites, high-end coaching, pay-per-click advertising, and search-engine-optimization.
Plus, we know more about data maintenance (and maximizing business use of email, social media, video marketing, and live events) than almost any other “guru” or self-anointed expert alive.
Our Reputations are
Respected Globally!
In short… if you need help, or resources, or just some advice on how to break through whatever’s holding you back from the success you crave we can help you.
We have the Mojo to make it happen.
Much of what we offer is free (because we aren’t shy about ladling out the good stuff to help someone who may only need a small shove to get moving in the right direction).
And remember — we have primo resources to guide you as you do any of this yourself and we have direct access to the professionals and proven experts who can do it FOR you, if that’s what you want.
But first let me get one thing straight: You are NEVER under any obligation to buy, or do anything, while you’re browsing this site.
You may not know what kind of help you need right now... and that's why we're showing you so many exciting options.
A-List copywriter David Deutsch shows how to use copyTHINKING to create the kind of sales pages, VSLs, ads, and emails that send prospects scurrying for their credit cards. A simple mental shift can make all the difference.
David Garfinkel shares shortcuts you can use to shave hours off every big copy project — and get the short ones done much faster, too. Without sacrificing quality or sales power.
Private Coaching and Mentoring
Want an ongoing relationship with one of the Simple Writing System teachers? Never Again Struggle to Write an Ad… a Sales Video Script… or an Email to Your List!
If you’re like the few others who managed to secure this collection years ago (before it disappeared)… then you’ll immediately discover the POWER of great ads to inspire you to write your own killer stuff.
Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club
Want to step inside the private,
(and extremely lucrative) world of Marketing Rebel? Then joining the Marketing Rebel Insider’s Club is a huge opportunity for you.
Running your own business can be an isolated, lonely existence. Meet (and work side-by-side with) some very well-known and successful marketers.
The foundation of the Simple Writing System is the same 17-point checklist John Carlton used his entire career to write fortune-making sales messages, over and over again.
The business world is STARVED for competent ad writers. And will pay shocking amounts of moolah to any writer who has the chops to make ad copy work.
Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing Rebel
This amazing course is so legendary because it truly is a huge “shortcut roadmap” on how to go from clueless… to clued-in… in the fastest time humanly possible.
Contact Us
Click the button to discover how we can get your website online and make more money than you ever thought possible.
Open a ticket and let us know exactly what you need, your approximate delivery dates and your approximate budget.